
 「Biogeography 3rd edition」出版からおよそ5年、はやくも4th editionが出版される模様です。

 Lomolino、Riddle、Brownといった従来の著者に、「Island Biogeography: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation」や「Journal of Biogeogaraphy」の編者でおなじみの Robert J. Whittaker 加えての第四版とのこと。




Biogeography, Fourth Edition
by Mark V. Lomolino, Brett R. Riddle, Robert J. Whittaker, and James H. Brown

  1. The Science of Biogeography
  2. The History of Biogeograph
  3. The Geographic Template: Visualization and Analysis of Biogeography Patterns (pdf:4.52MB)
  4. Distributions of Species: Ecological Foundations
  5. Distributions of Communities
  6. Dispersal and Immigration
  7. Speciation and Extinction
  8. The Changing Earth
  9. Glaciation and Biogeographic Dynamics of the Pleistocene
  10. The Geography of Diversification (pdf:12.37MB)
  11. Reconstructing the History of Lineages
  12. Reconstructing the History of Biotas
  13. Island Biogeography: Patterns in Species Richness
  14. Island Biogeography: Assembly and Evolution of Insular Communities
  15. Ecological Geography of Continental and Oceanic Biotas
  16. Conservation Biogeography and the Dynamic Geography of Humanity
  17. The Frontiers of Biogeography