

生態学でいえば、元村勲(1932年)が動物学雑誌*1に発表した「等比級数則(geometric series)」は1965年に再発見されるまでは海外に全く知られていませんでした。また、Fretwell (1970年)の理想自由分布(ideal free distribution)についても、森下正明が1950年に京都大学の紀要にすでに発表していたヒメアメンボの空間分布の研究に類似した概念が含まれていたと言われています。




その人物は、Eugene G. Munroe というコーネル大学*2の大学院生でした。彼は、「The geographical distribution of butterflies in the West Indies.(西インド諸島の蝶類の地理学と分布)」という博士論文の中で、はっきりと「彼の理論」を述べています。

A correlation of this kind [between number of species and logarithm of area of island] is as interesting as it is unexpected, for it suggests the existence of an equilibrium value for the number of species in a given island, a value which acts as a limit to the size of the fauna. The processes which determine the equilibrium value for an island of given size must be, on the one hand, the extinction of species, and, on the other hand, the formation of new species within the island, and the immigration of new species from outside it.

Munroe のコーネル大学の学位論文(1948)p.117より
Brown & Lomolino (1989)より転載


Observed figures show that the numbers of the better known animal groups inhabiting certain islands within the same archipelago bear an approximately linear relationship to the logarithms of the surface areas of the respective islands. This is true, with some exceptions, for the birds and butterflies in the West Indies, and for birds in certain Malayan and Pacific island groups.

Munroe (1953) Proceedings of the Seventh Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association. Volume IV. Zoology.: p.52より
Brown & Lomolino (1989)より転載


It is clear that this semi-logarithmic relationship is dependent on the rate of extinction of species, which must in turn be governed in some way by the area which they occupy: i.e., by their population numbers. Restriction of the population number, more severe the smaller the island, must increase the hazard of extinction of each species, whether through accidental reduction of already small population, through contest with other species for the essentials of life, or through deterioration of the population genotype, due to the Sewall Wright effect. We can, then, think of an equilibrium value for the number of species in a given islandfauna, depending on the one hand on the probability of extinction, correlated inversely with island
, and on the other hand on the probability of reinforcement, correlated directly with proximity to an area of richer fauna. Any tendency to differentiation of new species within islands would work in the same direction as reinforcement, i.e., against extinction.

Munroe のコーネル大学の学位論文 (1948): p.118-119より
Brown & Lomolino (1989)より転載


The exceptions to the rule are. The Virgin Islands and Hispaniola, in which the faunas are too large, and Barbados, in which it is too small; as we shall see, it is possible in each case to find an hypothesis to accountfor the departure ... In Barbados, a small island, situated a considerable distance to the windward of the nearest sources of immigration, themselves small islands, the immigration rate must be unusually small. In the Virgin Islands, on the other hand, an abnormally high rate of immigration may be expected, owing to the proximity of the relatively large fauna of Puerto Rico. In Hispaniola there is no reason to expect an abnormal immigration rate, but here the rate of speciation has been higher than elsewhere, due to the expansion of the genus Calisto, which, as we have seen, has taken place largely within the island; and in fact, if all but one species of Calisto are subtracted from the total, the corrected value for the size of the fauna falls much closer to the semilogarithmic line.

Munroe のコーネル大学の学位論文 (1948)より
Brown & Lomolino (1989)より転載


Where speciation is important, as in large islands and continents, the expected size of the fauna is exceeded, but the relationship between area and size of fauna is not lost, but accentuated.

Munroe (1953): p.53より
Brown & Lomolino (1989)より転載

Munroeは1949年にオークランドで開催された学会の要旨集(1953年)で、 大陸くらいの大きな島では、種分化(speciation)が重要であると明記しています。これは、以前紹介した、大陸や大きな島での種分化ー絶滅による平衡モデルの重要性と基本的なアイデアは同じです(参考:島が大きくなるほど種分化がおこりやすい)。





I did write a paper called "The Size of Island Faunas" when I was at the Institute of Parasitology at McGill University shortly after I finished at Cornell. This was one of two papers read for me by my director, T. W. M. Cameron, at the Seventh Pacific Science Congress in Aukland in 1949. The other one, on the biogeography of papilionid butterflies, was published in full in the Proceedings of the Congress in 1953, but the island fauna paper was evidently considered of less interest, as it was published in abstract only. Even at the time I thought that ironical. Subsequently I gave oral presentations at the International Congress of Zoology in Copenhagen in 1953 and at a meeting of the Entomological Society of America in 1958 or 1959. Having competing interests and pressures I didn't write either of these up, but the second led to an invitation from Bob Usinger to spend the winter term of 1959-60 at Berkeley leading a seminar in biogeography, in which my ideas were developed and exposed to graduate students. He encouraged me to write a book on biogeography, but I found difficulty in getting it together in the months that I was there.

私はコーネル大学を修了してすぐに移ったマギル大学寄生虫学研究所で、「島の動物相の大きさ」という論文を書きました。これは、1949年にオークランドで開催された第7回太平洋科学会議にて発表した(T. W. M. Cameron氏によって読まれた)2本の論文のうちの1本でした。もう1本は、アゲハチョウ科の生物地理についての論文で、これは1953年に発行された会議の要旨集に論文として掲載されました。しかし、島の動物相についての論文の方は、関心をほとんど集めず、要旨のみが掲載されただけでした。皮肉なことです。その後、島の動物相について、1953年のコペンハーゲンの国際動物学会と、1958年(または1959年)のアメリカ昆虫学会の会合にて口頭発表を行いました。当時、他への関心やプレッシャーによっていずれの講演内容も論文としてまとめませんでしたが、バークレイで大学院生向けの生物地理学のセミナーを主催している Bob Usinger氏の目にとまり、招待を受けて1959-1960年の冬季にバークレイで過ごしました。そこで私のアイデアを発展させ、大学院生に披露する機会を得ました。Bobは私に生物地理学の本を書くことを薦めてくれたのですが、その短期間の滞在では仕上げるには困難でした。

1988年2月にJ.H. Brownに宛てた Munroe自身の手紙より
Brown & Lomolino (1989)より転載(個人的に意訳をつけました)

 当時、反響がなかった要因として、まだ生態学や生物地理学という分野に、数式を用いた研究は馴染みがなかったからかもしれいないと、この過去の研究を紹介した James Brown らは述べています。



Brown JH, Lomolino MV (1989) Independent Discovery of the Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography. Ecology 70: 1954-1957.

*1:後継誌は→Zoological Magazine→Zoological Scienceです。
